Friday, October 16, 2009

The Boy in the Balloon

Let's take away the cynicism, the media coverage, the modern day need to pick it apart, figure it out, lay the blame, and question motives. Let's look at this story on a purely romantic level. A young boy has stowed away on a strange air ship resembling a flying saucer. Or maybe it is a flying saucer. It untangles from its moorings and is flying freely across a vast land, with the threat of reaching a height of 10,000 feet or more. All the while, the boy is in a hidden compartment, perhaps peeking out to see the earth rushing by beneath him, trees, farms, cities, deserts, and finally, oceans. It has the beginnings of a great children's story, illustrated, animated, and narrated. A classic story of journeying, of chance, of growth, of discovery. A story of imagination and freedom.

Beginnings and Intentions

The intention of these writings is to get myself back to writing, something I had given up a long time ago. More on that later. This entry is perhaps, more about beginnings and rules. Here is a rule I'm giving to myself, though it may be broken later. These writings will not be publicized. If you happen upon them, and feel like telling me that you found them, leave a comment, I'd like that. Sort of like a treasure hunt on your part. Or maybe the discovery of trash. I may also invite certain folks to view them, but that will remain in the future for now. For the moment, this space will be used to practice writing again, to begin the new flow of ideas, to work on stories and poems, and to bring myself back to myself.